React JS Training in Bangalore
Overview of the training modules covered during the full stack development training program
React JS Syllabus
React JS - Introduction
- Introduction to React JS
- React JS Application folder structure
- Working with JSX
- Using className, style
- React Application Architecture
- Creating Components in React
- Conditional Rendering using Ternary Operator
- Iterating through Arrays using Map to create multiple elements
- Handling Events in React
- Accessing event details
React JS - Component Communication
- Communicating between components
- Parent & Child Components
- Props in React
- Passing Data from Parent to Child Component
- Passing Data from Child to Parent Component
- Responding to Child Components events in Parent Component
- Passing Children
- Types of Components
- Controlled Component
React Hooks - useState & useReducer
- Introduction to React Hooks
- State in React JS Application Components
- Managing Component state in React
- Using useState to hold that state
- Asynchronous Events
- Using useState with callback function
- useReducer hook
React Hooks - useEffect & useContext
- Handling Side Effects in React
- useEffect Hook
- Get Data on page load using useEffect hook
- useEffect hook for a particular state variable
- useEffect Clean-up Function
- Entire Application State in React Application
- Using useContext hook
- Provide data using useContext hook
- Access data from useContext hook
React Hooks - useMemo, useCallback, useRef
- React Memo
- Using useMemo hook
- Using useCallback hook
- Using useRef hook
- Creating Custom Hooks
React - HTTP & Forms
- Getting Data from Server using Fetch API
- Working with Axios
- Handling Input Elements
- Controlled Input Elements
- Uncontrolled Input Elements
- Handling Forms
- Handling Validations
React Router V6
- Configuring Routes
- Wild Card & Not Found Routes
- Links & Nav Links
- Dynamic Routes
- Child Routes
- Params & Search Params
- Programmatic Navigation
- Introduction to State Management
- Redux Principles
- Creating Stores
- Creating Slices
- Reducers & Selectors
- Thunk
- Accessing the State